Rescue Ambassador Program
What is it?
The Max and Neo Rescue Ambassador Program rewards rescues that support us by giving them store credit for each person that makes a purchase on the Max and Neo website using either the rescue's custom coupon code or through their special ambassador link. The rescue will receive a 10% store commission credit of the purchase amount, not including shipping or taxes.
Who can become a Rescue Ambassador?
To qualify for our program, you must be a rescue or shelter that is currently on our donation list. Your rescue must have its own website or Facebook page.
1) Apply to become a Rescue Ambassador here:
2) If you are accepted, we will give you a special ambassador link to our website and a custom coupon code for you to use to promote this offer to your supporters
3) Get a 10% Rescue Store Credit on purchases made from the special ambassador link or custom coupon code
How does it work?
Once you are approved you will receive a custom coupon code good for 10% off and a special ambassador link for your rescue to promote this special offer to your supporters.
1) Your special ambassador link will look something like this
You can put this link on your rescue's website and you will get credit for anyone who clicks on that link and purchases on our website.
2) Your custom coupon code will look something like this GOODDOGRESCUE10
You can put this custom coupon code on your website, post it on Facebook or Instagram, or send it in an email. This custom coupon code is good for 10% off their entire order.
Just a couple of rules below:
1) Do not spam your special ambassador link or custom coupon code in the comments sections of any social media platform. You are free to post it on your own rescue's content.
2) Do not post your special ambassador link or custom coupon code on any coupon or bargain sales websites.
How do rescues get their credit
At the end of each month, store credits will be given in the form of a coupon code that is valid on Max and Neo's website only. This coupon code can only be used one time.
For example, if your store credit is $25 and you spend $26, you will have to pay $1 at checkout. However, if your store credit is $25 and you spend $20, there will not be a $5 credit leftover on the coupon code. The coupon code cannot be used again. Therefore we recommend using up as much of the coupon code as possible.
Can I use my own custom coupon code to make a purchase?
Yes, your custom coupon code will always give you 10% off your purchase. However, you will not get commission credit for purchases that you make yourself.
How do I track my store credit earned?
You can log in to your account to see how much store credit you have earned.
What happens with returned or refunded orders?
Unfortunately, when there is a return or refund from an order, we will not give the rescue a commission for that order.
If you have any questions about our Rescue Ambassador Program please email