April 23, 2021 Donations List
It's Donations Friday and we are sending out donation boxes this week to many of the R rescues!
The Rescue Dog of the Week is Eros from Secondhand Hounds in Minnesota. Eros was found running loose in Kentucky with an arrowhead lodged in his snout. Secondhand Hounds was contacted by a rescue partner in Kentucky and they had him on transport the next day.
After 4+ hours of surgery to remove the arrowhead and patch him up, Eros went home, but was still terrified and it took 2 hours to get him comfortable enough to go inside his foster parent's house.
Over the past few weeks, Eros has been recovering and healing both physically and emotionally. Physically, he’s quite the miracle. His wounds are healing wonderfully and so far he’s had no medical complications. Emotionally, however, he is still healing. He has grown to trust the humans in his environment. He’s incredibly motivated by food and will do just about anything to get it. The outside world is a scary place but he is learning to trust the people who care for him. He is not available for adoption yet as he’s still got some confidence to gain but he’s getting there, slowly but surely.
If you'd like to follow Eros' journey to healing, follow him on Instagram at @eros_journey
Here is the list of rescues getting a box this week:
R.E.A.L Rottweiler Rescue, Avon OH
Racing4Rescues, Inc. FL
Rainbow Rescues MA
Raining Cats and Dogs Shelter and Sanctuary, Inc. FL
Raise the Woof ND
Rakki-Inu Akita Rescue VA
Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge Inc. NJ
Rancho Coastal Humane Society CA
Randi's Rockin Dachshund Rescue KS
Randolph County Animal Shelter (RCAS) AL
Randolph County Animal Shelter NC
Randys Rescue Ranch IL
Ranger's Reach TX
Rascals Rescue WV WV
Ray Of Sunshine Rescue, Inc. FL
Reach Rescue Inc. IL
Real Time Rescue Inc. CA
Rebeccas paws and claws inc AL
Rebel Dogs Detroit MI
Rebel Dogs Rescue CA
Reborn Animal Rescue, Inc. CT
Reclaimed Dignity Animal Sanctuary NY
Recycled LoVe DoG Rescue, Inc. CA
Recycled Pets Norcal CA
Red Barn Rescue CA
Red Barn Rescue Pups NC
Red Leash Rescue CT
Red River SPCA TX
Redemption road rescue of Michigan MI
Redland Rock Pit Abandoned Dog Project FL
Redwood Coast German Shepherd Rescue, Inc. CA
Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan MI
Regal Dane Rescue AZ
Regional Animal Services of King County WA
Regional Animal Shelter - King William VA
Reigning Cat and Dogs Rescue IN
Rejection Collection Boxer Rescue MN
Releashed Rescue GA
Remembering Ruthie Rescue Inc GA
Remote Area Medical TN
Renees Rescues DE
Renee's Rescues, Inc. DE
Renegade Animal Welfare & Rescue CA
Renegade Paws Rescue GA
Rescue & RemEMBER VA
Rescue Charlie's Friends ME
Rescue City NY
Rescue Dog & End of Life Sanctuary TN
Rescue Every Dog WA
Rescue Gang WI
Rescue Inc MA
Rescue k911, inc AL
Rescue Me Clifford IL
Rescue me Labradors KY
Rescue Me Orlando - Shelter Dogs, Inc. FL
Rescue Me WV Eastern Panhandle Shelter Dogs WV
Rescue Outreach WI
Rescue Pals AZ
Rescue Paws 4 Furry Hearts FL
Rescue Pit Inc. NY
Rescue Ranch CA
Rescue Rebels by Cash 4 Canines, Inc FL
Rescue Rehab Rehome IA
Rescue Ridge NJ
Rescue Road, AR AR
Rescue Rovers Dog Adoptions UT
Rescue the Animals, SPCA TX
Rescue Unleashed WA
Rescue4All WA
Rescueber IL
Rescued Hearts NJ
Rescued in SC SC
Rescued Ohio OH
Rescued Pets Movement TX
Rescued Treasures/PACC911 AZ
Rescues for JoJo TN
Rescuing Animals in Need FL
Rescuing Unwanted Friendly Fidos FL
Rescuing Unwanted Furever Friends IL