November 15, 2019 Donations List
"WOW, so much stuff!"
The face says it all 😆 Kylee from Pet Angels Rescue was really excited to see all the new collars, leashes, and toys a couple weeks ago and we hope more dogs will be just as excited about this week's donation boxes!
93 MAX collar boxes, 30 leash-only boxes, and 16 XL collar boxes are shipping today to the following rescues:
4 Luv of Dog, ND
A second chance for chance, VA
Adopt A Husky, MN
Almost Home Animal Rescue, Southfield MI, MI
Amore Pit Bull Rescue, OK
Anderson Animal Shelter, IL
Animal Alliance of Georgia, Inc., GA
Animal Friends Rescue Project, CA
Animal Hope and Wellness, CA
Animal Humane New Mexico, NM
Animal Rescue Aid, GA
Animal Rescue of Crosby County, TX
Animal Welfare Friends, IA
Animal Welfare League, IL
Ariel Bully Rescue, CA
ASAP Advocates Saving Adoptable Pets, WV
AZ Care Rescue, AZ
B.A.R.K. Buckeye animal Rescue and Kennel, AZ
Basset Buddies Rescue of Texas, TX
Blue Mountain Humane Society, WA
Bluegrass Doberman Rescue, KY
Bonnie's Animal Rescue Kingdom, NJ
Calhoun Animal Rescue Effort, AR
Champ's Legacy, AL
Chelsea Animal Shelter, OK
Chicagoland Dog Rescue, IL
Chippewa Humane Association !, WI
City of Neodesha Animal Shelter, KS
Compassion Copper Canyon, TN
Concordia PAWS, Inc., LA
Cool Cats Rescue, AZ
Deming Animal Guardians, NM
Detroit Dog Rescue, MI
Diamond in the Ruff Rescue Inc, IA
Dog People of Livingston Parish, LA
Dog Ranch Rescue, Inc., TX
ePITome Dog Rescue, IL
Erath County Humane Society, TX
Euclid Animal Shelter, OH
Every Dog's Dream Rescue, Inc., NY
Finding Shelter Animal Rescue, PA
Free State Four Paws, AL
Friends of the Animal Shelter of St. Joseph, MO
FurEver United Rescue, TX
Furget Me Not, AR
Giant Heart Giant Dog Rescue, Inc., VA
Giant Paws Boerboel Rescue, FL
Great Danes and Friends, Inc., CA
Greyhounds Only, IL
Guardians for Animals, MI
Gypsy Soul Rottweiler Rescue, KS
Happy Day Humane Society, TX
Happy Go Lucky Mastiff Rescue, MD
Harmony Vet Care, FL
Heather's Hounds, FL
Helping Pawz Inc, GA
Hidden Paws Network, WI
Highrock Wolfdogs Rescue, AL
Homeward Bound Animal Rescue OH, OH
Hooves & Paws Animal Rescue, CA
Hopalong Animal Rescue, CA
Hope Animal Rescues, IL
Humane Indiana, IN
Humane Society of Ocean City NJ, NJ
Husky Haven of Florida, FL
It Takes A Village No-Kill Rescue, IN, IN
KC English Bulldog Rescue, KS
Kearney Area Animal Shelter, NE
Kenai Peninsula Animal Lovers Rescue, AL
Knox-Whitley Humane Association, KY
Last Hope Animal Rescue, IA
Mending Spirits Animal Rescue, MN
Misfit Farms Rescue & Sanctuary, LA
Moriarty Animal Shelter, NM
Morris Animal Refuge, PA
Never Muzzled, OH
New England Humane Society, RI
Ninas Network, FL
NorthWest Akita Rescue, Inc., WA
Northwest Great Dane Rescue, WA
Oglala Pet Project, SD
Olton's Underdogs, TX
Oreo's Legacy Rescue, VA
Orphaned Pets Inc., NJ
Pacific Coast Dog Rescue, CA
Palmetto Pyr Haven, SC
Passion for Pits Rescue, MS
Paw Crazy Rescue !, OH
Paws in the City, TX
Pawsitive Action Rescue, AL
Pike Pets Pals, OH
Placing Paws of Illinois, IL
Posh Pets Rescue, NY
Pueblo Animal Services, CO
Raining Dogs Rescue, OR
Rebel Dogs Rescue, CA
REBEL Rescue Fundraising, OK
Redemption road rescue of Michigan, MI
Regional Animal Services of King County, WA
Rescue Dog & End of Life Sanctuary, TN
Rescued Pets Movement, TX
Richmond Animal Care and Control, VA
Ross County Humane Society, OH
Rottweilers of Las Vegas, NV
Ruff Start Rescue, MN
Ruff Times Rescue, FL
Russell Rescue, Inc, NC
S.I.S Saving Innocent Souls, MI
S.O.A.R. Initiative, IN
Sanctuary Animal Rescue, AL
Saving Great Animals, WA
Saving Huey Foundation, CA
Second Chance Cocker Rescue, CA
SEK Humane Society, KS
Shenandoah Valley Animal Services Center, VA
Shoal Bay Animal Haven, AR
South Bend Lost & Found Pets, IN
Southern Ohio Wolf Sanctuary, OH
Spotsylvania Animal Shelter, VA
Suffolk Humane Society, VA
Tails from the Barkside Pet Rescue, Inc., FL
Tails of Hope Staffie Haven, CO
Tails of Rescue, CA
Taylor County Humane Society, WV
The Community Pet Project Inc, FL
The Good Life Bulldog Rescue, NE
The Milo Foundation, CA
TLC of IE Rescue, CA
Tri City Animal Shelter, CA
Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TCSPCA), NY
Underdog Salvation, IN
Wags Rescue and Referal, PA
Warrick Humane Society, IN
West Coast Boxer Rescue, CA
Winston's Wishes, WI
Wolfhounds Legacy, FL
Zazus Great Dane Sanctuary, TX